We want to pass along info on the Equifax security breach and what steps to consider even though THE TRUST COMPANY HAS NOT HAD A SECURITY ISSUE . We encourage you to read the articles linked at the bottom.
Acco rding to the Federal Trade Commission, “there’s a good chance that you’re one of the 143 million American consumers whose sensitive personal information was exposed in a data breach at Equifax, one of the nation’s three major credit reporting agencies.” Some of the more sobering facts, according to Equifax are that the breach lasted from mid-May through July of 2017 and the hackers accessed people’s names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, in some instances, driver’s license numbers.
- Check Equifax Website to see if you were impacted https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/potential-impact/. This will let you know if they believe you to have been compromised and give you 1 year of free monitoring. If you choose free monitoring expect to get solicitations for renewal after the free year expires.
- Consider a credit freeze on Equifax’s, Experian’s and TransUnion’s websites. This will freeze anyone from running your credit and you can unfreeze when needed using a PIN code. A $7.50 fee for Experian and TransUnion may be charged.
- Check your credit reports from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — for free — by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com. Accounts or activity that you don’t recognize could indicate identity theft. Visit www.IdentityTheft.gov to find out what to do.
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